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September 14, 2024

Haitians in America

It started with a post on Facebook. Then it was amplified by a neo-Nazi group. Then, the Republican nominee for president repeated it during a debate. As did his VP candidate.

It’s funny how swastikas and neo-Nazis and White supremacists always seem to be in Trump’s orbit. He doesn’t seem to mind at all—neither do his supporters. Nay, he gives them winks and nods all the time—“stand back and stand by.”

Yet, I still see hand-wringing about Harris. And, yes, many of the hesitancies and wishes are valid. However, the larger picture cannot be neglected. She is being held to a standard; the opposition is not. Reason? Oh, take a guess.

The Haitian people in Springfield are there legally, have helped rejuvenate the town, and are decent, hardworking people. Haiti has been through a lot—which is why they’re here—and the United States has much to answer for the agony of that country.

The former president’s son, Donald Jr., had this to share on Thursday:

“You look at Haiti, you look at the demographic makeup, you look at the average I.Q. [I’ll behave]—if you import the third world into your country, you’re going to become the third world.”

I guess it’s only fair that I share my views:

Instead of voting for the guy who wants to date his daughter, and who has neo-Nazis grinning, maybe America could, y’know, support the Black woman who smiles and stands for decency.

Also, just as long as I’m sharing, I feel all Haitians living in the United States should receive $5,000 each and free healthcare for life.

Photo: Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.

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