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September 12, 2024

Tan Suits and Fist-Bumping

Quick thought: Yes, Harris dominated that debate. Every major newspaper I looked at—New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc.—were in agreement. She was presidential; he was an unhinged mess.

And as a cherry on that sundae? An endorsement from Taylor herself.

However, we will see how much the debate moved the needle. I’d guess not much.

If Harris had bombed, her numbers would have tanked. I might be speaking prematurely, but I’d say they didn’t go up like they would have gone down. If you’re Black and you’re female in this country, walking on water might not be enough. If you’re White, rich, have a big mouth, and cheat on your wife? Your polling numbers will be just fine.

You know that country song, “Proud to be an American”? I’m not.

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