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July 23, 2024

You and America’s Future

In all honesty, I’m at the point that I would vote for a sock puppet if it was nominated by the Democratic Party. A friend of mine said he’d vote for a watermelon with adhesive googly eyes affixed to it. We finally agreed on Mr. Potato Head. 

However, as I elucidated in my previous post, we are far from such absurd scenarios. The priority is for the pathological former president to remain former. And of course, we will want a capable executive behind the Resolute desk. We will surely have that in Kamala Harris.

The polling numbers are, however, quite close. According to the Washington Post:

“In a[n] … average of 11 post-debate polls, Trump edged out Harris by 1.5 percentage points, only slightly less than his 1.9-point lead over Biden in the same polls.”

So, it will be a very tight race. Presumably, Harris will pick as her VP a governor from a swing state; Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro looks to be a likely choice. This will in all probability give her a bump in that crucial state. Among ten possible Democrats considered by the New York Times as to who would fare best against Trump, Shapiro was described as an “ideal” running mate.

But it will come down to us. Voter turnout—especially in swing states—will be critical in this election. (Talking to you, Gen Z!)


Even if you don’t vote, maybe consider doing so just this once. It doesn’t cost anything and only takes a few minutes. And it’s in your best interest to do so. Netflix will be waiting for you when you get home.

The Republican Party has made its contempt for the population crystal clear with its dystopian Project 2025 legislative agenda; it reads like a neo-fascist wishlist. When they mention the “radical left,” they’re talking about, well, you. If you’re not familiar, please read some articles on it. This is a decent explanation:


The GOP is running, not walking, away from what the majority of Americans want and prefer. It’s time to get political.

To revise a quote by Soviet revolutionary and theorist Leon Trotsky: you might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.

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