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August 18, 2024

Harris on the Issues

I found this BBC rundown helpful. It summarizes where Harris stands on ten major issues. The one that jumps out is healthcare. It is not only important to me, but it’s important for the country. She really needs to tighten up in this department. She once supported Medicare for all, then promoted the public option. The attention now seems to be on drug prices. Harris should go big on this issue, especially if the Democrats do well in the elections. 

On taxes and the environment she seems reasonable. I don’t really see abortion as a big issue—two-thirds of the country supports a  woman’s right to choose—but the GOP and the Supreme Court (which is a Republican court) would love to turn this country into El Salvador. So, I guess that makes it an issue. She seems solid here, too.

Immigration is basically a non-issue. Migrants contribute to the economy, pay taxes, and have low levels of crime. Most of the people trying to enter are fleeing violent and impoverished situations that the United States helped create. Much of what I hear is racist fear-mongering. I recommend reading John Washington’s The Case for Open Borders. (By the way, Harris was never ever the “border czar.”)

On Israel, she says some of the right things. But no Washington insider will ever satisfy me on this issue. Biden belongs in prison for what he has supported. And Harris is rather orthodox on her position about arming Israel, “ensuring its ability to defend itself”—blah, blah. All in all, my expectations on this issue are quite low. Every president since Eisenhower has failed on this matter.

However, we’ll need to hear all this from Harris herself. And probably will soon.


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