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July 8, 2024


While I am still laid up at a rehabilitative facility—one that bears much resemblance to a hospital—I am still watching the news. The anguish over Biden’s debate performance is unsettling. I do not, nor have I ever, harbored concerns about Biden’s age or ability to tend to his executive responsibilities. I will not join the chorus of “He’s too old!” Their refrain is the thing that is getting old. It is equivalent to not liking Hillary’s laugh; it’s based on nothing and just gets repeated by the unreflective.

Right after Biden’s less-than-stellar debate performance, there was alarm at the major news outlets. The New York Times called for Biden to step down from his candidacy. Why the panic? Could it be they deep down want Trump back in the White House? They are after all in the business of selling news product. And Trump being a human dumpster fire sells news.

There has also been a lot of popular groaning about Biden’s age and his debate performance. I heard a lot less about the incessant lying of his opponent—y’know, the one who talks about dating his daughter. (Am I the only one who is aware of this??)

Whoever is on the ticket come November—Biden, Harris, Newsom, Whitmer—I hope folks can rally around the candidate and keep the felon out of the White House. Because the whining is going to reward him with a second term.

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