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May 20, 2024


Firstly, thank you for all the well-wishing. I genuinely was not looking for sympathy; I just found the whole affair surreal and absurd, and thought I would share. However, I received sympathy in abundance, and for that I thank you.

I posted that blog entry in some haste. We were still waiting for the results of the CT scan. It looked like everything was fine, so I went with that. However, it turns out I was indeed fine. The CT scan showed no bleeding in the brain. This would have added a layer of absurdity and required me to be “tapped” to release the bleeding. But somehow the word "lucky" does not seem appropriate.

That said, all is well, and Gregory is on the mend. Come late June, they will be installing a small pump in my abdomen. This pump will trickle Baclofen (a muscle relaxant) into my spine. This should vastly improve my mobility and reduce the likelihood of accidents like the one we just saw. Surviving until June 21 will be the trick. I will post about my surgery when the time comes. This oversharing thing rather suits me! And with all the relatable content, Kate will be tickled pink.

Thanks again, everyone. Back to work; no rest for the wicked. Onward and upward.

"Yo, Adrian!"—sorry, had to be done.

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