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May 30, 2024



Excellent article (link below). The headline is provocative and doesn’t really capture the substance of the piece.

A key paragraph:

This genocide was built on decades of Palestinians being demonized and dehumanized – and public consent for this assault on Gaza was manufactured with the help of dehumanizing narratives designed to ensure nobody could think of a single Palestinian as an innocent civilian or even a human being.


Because decades into the future, when Israeli condos line the ethnically-cleansed beaches of Gaza and people look back on this genocide, there will be a lot of people who say they didn’t know. There will be people who will try and rewrite history to make it seem like the genocide unfolding right now was too complicated to parse. The point is to remind everyone too cowardly to speak up that your silence is complicity.

But, I don’t think this paragraph goes far enough. I feel the image below makes the correct point (h/t friend Michael Slager). When the coast is clear (pun unintended), everyone is brave. Many stand courageously against things like the Holocaust and the Jim Crow South. But when it’s happening? It’s always a bit quiet. We find our courage later … much later. When the stakes are conveniently zero.


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