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May 31, 2014

Syrian refugees

Well designed interactive page by BBC on the Syrian refugee crisis.

Simply put, the civil war has descended into a statistical nightmare. In its three years, the conflict has produced the following three totals: 160,000 dead, 6.5 million internally displaced, and 3 million refugees.

The room for serious diplomacy exists, but sits in limbo, principally on account of US and Russian lack of engagement. Especially with the resignation of UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi (his successor has yet to be named), the revival of the Geneva process anytime soon—hopefully with greater inclusion, such as Iran—remains unlikely.

It appears the situation in Syria is going to continue on its grisly path. At some point, it might become the stuff of powerful filmmaking, featuring powerful performances, followed by powerful Oscar speeches. Yet, this kind of artistic representation and treatment is commonly (almost always) after the fact, and therefore of no moral worth. And not being a serious geostrategic issue for Washington, the White House can be expected to proceed casually. This month, at a dinner hosted by - coincidentally - director Steven Spielberg, President Obama questioned what power he really had to affect change in Syria. Needless to say, power isn't the issue.

Sadly, Syria is already the stuff of celluloid; but popular pressure can help write the film's ending - a rare opportunity for moviegoers to claim moral participation.

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For historical context regarding Syria, see my essay "Syria: A Showcase of Middle Eastern Disorder."

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