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May 2, 2012

Paul Krugman on Charlie Rose

Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has recently been on the interview circuit promoting a new book. (I haven't read it yet, but am well familiar with his columns, from which the book was derived.)

The Charlie Rose interview last night was the most thorough of the bunch that I saw. There was also the brief and ill-moderated Bloomberg debate between Krugman and former GOP candidate Ron Paul. Unfortunately, Krugman wasn't given adequate time to go through Paul's numerous inaccurate and/or incoherent points.

It is noteworthy that Krugman is colored by many on the right as being something of a leftist - a function of the rightward drift of both parties, the GOP more so. What he is advocating is a standard and centrist economic policy similar to what the United States had during and after WWII. What that philosophy has more or less been replaced with, however, is a libertarian emphasis on "small government" and the free market - meaning gifts and greater leniency for the corporate sector. In other words, the path taken since the 1970s resulting in the current state of affairs.

Krugman is hardly radical, but when the reigning model of political economy embraces the very causes of the present damage, his commonsensical thinking on the matter borders on revolutionary.


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